Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Historic Dow And Nasdaq Why Can We Not Find The Historic Prices Of Dow Jones, Nasdaq, QQQQ And S&P 500 At Present?

Why can we not find the historic prices of Dow Jones, Nasdaq, QQQQ and S&P 500 at present? - historic dow and nasdaq

We can use the historical prices for Dow Jones, Nasdaq, QQQQ and S & P provide for 500 days, but now we can not. I hope that Yahoo could give an answer on this point because they depend on for my daily trading activities. If Yhaoo not offer this service, you could recommend to other sites about it? Thank you very much.

1 comment:

bullandb... said...

Here is the response I received when I came by the customer service important contacts on the underside of http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/finance ...

Received 5/31/07:

"I thank you for writing to Yahoo!.

As you have noticed they have a problem with historical data are not currently on the contributions from the specified date and apologize apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
At this stage we assure you that we can do anything to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we no information about this topic. "

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